Abuse & Domestic Violence – “Stop it or Cop it”

By 7 April 2020Family Law
Domestic Violence

The outbreak of Coronavirus and the subsequent widespread lockdown certainly affects different aspects of life. As people navigate through this unprecedented crisis, more people are working from home, more students are home schooling and in general people are staying home to follow the principles of social distancing.

Whilst it is an admirable practice to fight Coronavirus, people may succumb to another threatening virus while living under the same roof for a prolonged period of time with other members of the family.

There is a growing concern that COVID-19 lockdown measures, job losses, financial hardship, isolation, working from home and cabin fever may escalate abuse in family homes across Australia.

Attorney General of NSW stated that since the lockdown, the searches about domestic violence on Google increased by 75%.

It is important to remember that irrespective of the hardships and difficult situations in our surrounding environment, it is not allowed to lash out and it is not allowed to abuse the more vulnerable members of the household in particular and the society in general.

Domestic Violence

Often there is the misapprehension that domestic violence only impacts on women and children. Whilst the victims of the domestic violence are generally the vulnerable members of a household, it should be noted that domestic violence can victimise anyone from all ages, cultures and religion backgrounds – including men, women, children and members of LGBTIQ community.

Unfortunately, the rate of domestic violence against women and children is still high in Australia. The Department of Communities and Justices states that research shows there is a clear link between men’s violence against women and gender inequality.

The important things to consider by victims of domestic violence is to nip the violence in the bud. The best way to do it is not to put up with it, stop making excuses for it to and ultimately stand up to it by reporting it to the Police and seek professional and legal advice. The safety of the family unit depends on that.

Child Abuse

It is said that in many ways abuse is like a deadly virus.

Abuse is a communicable disease, one that gets transferred from one generation to the next. It can turn deadly at any time.

The children are usually the typical victims of abuse.

It is likely that the children who are subjected to prolong sexual, physical or emotional abuse, they themselves grow up to continue on the path of their predators and become abusers.

Youth Law Australia defines child abuse as any action towards a young person under 18 years of age that harms or puts at risk their physical, psychological or emotional health or development.

It is necessary that child abuse be reported to Police or Child Protection Helpline.

After a child abuse is reported, the authorities can remove the child to a safe place, seek a special court order to stop the predator abusing the child and they can also assist by providing a plan to the family to keep them safe from the predator.


The best way to deal with abuse and violence of any kink is for the victim to report it and put a stop to it.

Please immediately contact Police if you are emotionally, physically or sexually abused of if you fear for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your family members. For abuse of children, please also contact Child Protection Helpline.

It is important to then seek legal advice.

Whether you require criminal law advice, family law advice, property advice and/or parenting advice, we are here to help.

Please contact one of the efficient solicitors of Pavuk Legal.

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